Declutter & Manifest

A 52 Week Workbook to Create a Home and Life You Love


"This Declutter and Manifest workbook is a powerful guide to support you on naming and claiming your life’s desires and intentions … transforming blocks into breakthroughs … on all fronts of your life. Enjoy the journey!”

Marcy Cole, PhD, Holistic Health Psychotherapist


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"With pure intention and a loving hand, Laura helps you take both a spiritual and psychological inventory of your home as a portal to elevate and transform your life.”

— Robin Berman, MD, author of Permission to Parent


This guided 52-week workbook is about much more than decluttering—it’s about recognizing and using the transformative power of your home to create the life you dream of.
After experiencing the powerful role our homes play in inspiring our best lives, Laura Forbes Carlin wrote this book to share her empowering message:
If you want to change your life, start by changing your home.
When you make changes to your home to better reflect your dreams, your life shifts. Declutter & Manifest is designed to help you clarify your intentions, clear clutter from the inside and out, create an environment that supports the realization of your goals, and celebrate a life you love.
You will learn:
●  Why your home is the key to manifestation.
●  How clutter blocks manifestations.
●  How to clear your home’s clutter to make space for your dreams.
●  Tips for making simple changes in your home to support profound changes in your life.
●  How to uplift and balance the energy in your home.
●  A 3-step process for using your home as a tool for manifestation.
●  Practical tools and inspiration for taking positive action towards your goals.
A calm, clutter-free home filled with things you love feels good. And this internal shift invariably ripples out to your experiences outside the home.
This workbook will help you create a home that reflects your dreams. And before you know it, you will be living them!

Laura Forbes Carlin, along with her sister Alison Forbes Van Hook, is the author of The Peaceful Nursery and Decluttering for Parents and founder of Inspired Everyday Living.

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