How To Set Powerful New Year's Intentions
Jan 10, 2025Each New Year, Alison and I take time to set intentions for all areas of our lives, such as Career, Relationships, Wealth, Health, Home & Lifestyle etc. We call these collective intentions a Life Design.
We spend a great deal of time on our life designs because they are part roadmap, part divination tool, and part stress reliever! Seeing our desires, goals, and dreams on paper creates space in our minds. Once on paper, we can trust these thoughts won’t be forgotten.
Also, once written down, we can see clearly what action steps need to be taken to move towards our goals. In addition, there is a sense that as we write we are already manifesting; we have taken our thoughts and made them tangible on a piece of paper.
Finally, in our experience, when you write things down– it happens! Not always in the timeframe you hoped for or in the exact the way you imagined, but in some form it happens. For these reasons we strongly suggest taking time to create a comprehensive life design. You can see an example below.
How To Write Intentions and Create A Life Design:
- Make a list of all the areas of your life that are important to you and essential for creating a successful and fulfilling life. For example, health, relationships, career, wealth, creativity, knowledge etc.
- Next, write a list of intentions in the form of affirmations for each area.
Tips for Writing Affirmative Intentions:
-Personal realm of believability: be open to magic and miracles AND be sure you create intentions that you can really get behind.
-Write intentions in the present tense such as “I am deeply enjoying a new loving relationship” as opposed to, “I am looking forward to…” Otherwise, you will keep looking forward to it rather than manifest it now!
-Write in the affirmative – beginning with “I am” –rather than “I want” or “I am not” (the universe just hears the want or not). For example, “I am experiencing financial freedom” as opposed to “I am not in debt.” I am not in debt still put your attention on debt.
-Leave room for co-creation with the universe and for good that we may not currently imagine by ending with, “This or something better for the highest good of all concerned.”
Remember that as you are writing down your affirmations you are in fact designing your life. You may alter your Life Design to fit your unique circumstances. Be specific and add as many details and affirmations as you want. This is your vision!
Once you have clear intentions and a heartfelt purpose expressed in your Life Design, simply let go. Sometimes when we hold on too tightly to one vision, we miss other opportunities. Instead, trust that all will turn out well and enjoy the present moment.
Sample Life Design:
*This example is an abbreviated version of a life design. We encourage you to be as thorough and detailed as possible.
My purpose is to live fully expressed, with my heart wide open in joy and appreciation.
- Optimal health and happiness
- Kindness
- Gratitude
- Love
- Peace
- Beauty
- Simplicity
- Abundance…
Areas of Focus
- Relationship with Spirit & Purpose
- Optimal Health and Happiness
- Marriage
- Family and Friendships
- Home & Lifestyle
- Abundance and Financial Freedom
- Creative Expression & Lifework…
How I will feel when my dreams are manifest…
I am living in love– feeling deep joy, profound peace, free, alive, on purpose, connected, healthy and wealthy.
Intentions for Life Areas:
Optimal Health and well being:
- I am experiencing vibrant health and well being
- I am easily embracing and enjoying the supplements, diet, routines, exercise and mindset that will serve this positive vision
- I am experiencing an optimally functioning brain
- I am enjoying deep, restorative, peaceful sleep…
Financial Freedom
- I am gratefully and joyously celebrating financial freedom
- I am blessed with peace and prosperity
- I am well compensated for my creative contributions
- I am making xxx from my online business…
Home and Lifestyle
- I am celebrating a clutter-free home filled only with the things I love
- I am supported by organized surroundings
- I am tidying my home each day with ease and appreciation….
- I am celebrating a business that helps others take positive action towards their goals.
- I am grateful for the abundance of money and financial prosperity and success my work generates.
- I am fully expressed, confident, and engaged.
- I am experiencing optimal health and happiness as I create….
- I am a magnet for high vibration, joyful, loving friendships
- I am experiencing deep love and enthusiasm with my partner
- I am enjoying love- filled, joyful relationships with my family…
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