Decluttering is not about perfection, it’s about freedom

decluttering Sep 14, 2024

Sometimes we can get overly focused on having a perfectly tidy home. When things are out of place we may find ourselves judging or feeling anxious. Or we may always be looking out for things to get rid of. While the pictures in our heads (or images we see on social media) of static, everything in its place homes may seem appealing– often these images don’t tell the entire story.

A “mess” often reflects important values at play, such as prioritizing people and experiences over things.

 Maybe you decided to play with your child before leaving for the day versus picking up… Maybe you were caring for a sick child… Maybe you prioritized your work or self care over tidying…

Often these items are a sign that you are living your life fully.

The point of clearing clutter is to free ourselves to the present moment. 

Decluttering is about letting go of all of the things that are in the way of living our best lives. Clutter distracts us and blocks the good we desire by taking up space, time, and energy. When we clear the clutter we can live life fully expressed–  we can be available to ourselves, our loved ones, and experiences. 

Keep in mind that wholehearted, creative living often involves a little mess. 

Here is a rule of thumb:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If it takes you 15-20 minutes to tidy your home, chances are you are not cluttered. More likely, you are living life and just haven't put things back in their designated place.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
If it takes you longer, check in to make sure the items are loved and useful. Also, make sure each item has a designated place to live. We are much more likely to tidy up if we are clear on where something belongs and if it is easy to put it away!⠀⠀

If you still find yourself overly focused on the things that may be out of place in your home, or if your attention is always on what you can declutter, the way out of this perfectionism is through appreciation. Turn your attention to all the things you love about your home, rather than any “mess” that was created by living your life. 

Here is a simple exercise to shift from judgment and perfectionism to gratitude and appreciation:

  1. The moment you wake up, look for things you appreciate about your home and continue this exercise throughout your day.
  2. Do you love your soft sheets, the way the light shines through your window in the morning, or the color of your walls?
  3. Whatever you find, take a moment to appreciate the usefulness, beauty, or good feelings it inspires. 

The truth is… to fully be at peace in your home requires a certain mindset and practice: love and appreciation. 

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