Why You Should Always Declutter Before Organizing

decluttering Jul 12, 2024
decluttering  and organizing kitchen

Organizing is often mistaken for decluttering but they are not the same. Decluttering is the practice of choosing what to keep and what to let go of and organizing is the practice of designating a home within your home for each item you choose to keep. 

The biggest decluttering mistake we see people make is trying to organize before finishing their decluttering. Why? Because clutter simply can’t be organized!

No matter how stylish the labels, beautiful the containers, or refined the system— clutter is still clutter. Corralling items into attractive and artfully arranged containers is not decluttering.

Clutter in a pretty basket is still clutter. 

When we organize before we declutter, we often feel joy at first, but the feeling doesn't last because clutter is still clutter and soon everything is messy again. The only way to create lasting joy is to go deep beneath the surface and thoughtfully address each and every item in your home to determine if the item is loved and useful. (You can join our free recorded class to learn how to declutter step-by-step.)⠀

Once you have finished decluttering, then you can organize and beautify! 

Here is why you should always declutter first and organize after:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  1. Clutter by its nature can't be organized! You will waste precious time and energy with futile efforts trying to organize clutter.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

  2. Thinking about organizing and where you will keep your items gets in the way of clearing clutter. When you are choosing what to keep and what to let go of, you want to choose from your heart and intuition but the process of organizing engages your mind and logic.
  3. You will save money. When you clear your clutter, you will likely open up storage space. You may also find you already have items in your home that can be repurposed for organizing, so you do not need to purchase expensive containers. 
  4. Oftentimes, the organizing items (dividers, containers, baskets etc.) end up becoming clutter! 

  5. Chances are that once you let go of all the things that are no longer loved or useful, you will have little left to organize. A clutter-free drawer is inherently organized. ⠀⠀⠀

And finally, and most importantly, you will miss out on the life changing possibilities inherent in the decluttering process.  When we take this time to choose to keep only the items that serve, inspire love, and align with our ideal vision for this moment of our lives, we create sustainable and lasting change. Decluttering becomes a practice that overtime leads to a new way of being and living. It is this new consciousness that will create the true and lasting joy that we seek.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

Save time, money, and futile efforts by completing your decluttering before you start organizing.

Declutter first, organize later. 

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