Clutter Delays Your Dreams

decluttering Oct 11, 2024
home and lifestyle books on coffee table


Each day you delay decluttering, you also delay living the life you long for… However, each day you declutter, even just one item, you move yourself closer to the life of your dreams…


Clutter keeps us in the past; tying us to versions of ourselves, interests, and ideas we've often outgrown.

Decluttering makes space for who we are today and who we want to be.

It is challenging to envision a future — much less create that future — if we are weighed down by the past.

Practically and energetically, when we are surrounded by the things we no longer love and use, we live in then past — the way we always have. These outdated patterns block new things — and new ways of being — from expressing in our lives.

When we clear the clutter — by letting go of the things that no longer reflect and support our highest vision for ourselves and our lives—  we create the space necessary to move towards our goals and dreams.

  1. Begin by clarifying your vision: who do I want to become? How would I like to feel? What are my goals?
  2. Declutter: as you address the items in your home, ask yourself, does this support my goals? Does it reflect my vision?Does this inspire the feelings I would feel if I were already living my dream? 

In a clutter-free environment you will experience presence of mind and attract the things, people, and experiences that will reflect and support your current goals and inspire the life you dream of.

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