Decluttering Tips to Make Back-to-School Easier

parenting Aug 11, 2024
toys in a basket with a book in front

As summer winds down and the school year approaches, many parents find themselves making back-to-school preparations. From shopping for new clothes and supplies to organizing schedules, there’s a lot to get ready. But before you start, there’s one crucial step that can make the entire process smoother and more efficient: decluttering. 
We often talk about the importance of decluttering before you organize, which includes decluttering before buying anything new. Decluttering before buying new school supplies and clothes can save you from unnecessary purchases. When your home is cluttered, it’s easy to lose track of what you already own. You might find that over the summer you’ve forgotten about perfectly good notebooks, markers, pens and school clothes. As I (Alison) was decluttering, I came across pants I bought last year that were too big for my son but now fit him perfectly. By decluttering first, you can take stock of what you already have and avoid buying duplicates.
Decluttering also helps the start of the school year feel less overwhelming. Returning to school can sometimes be stressful for both parents and children. A cluttered home adds to this stress. Decluttering creates a more organized, peaceful environment, which can help everyone feel more relaxed and prepared for the new school year. And once school starts, there's nothing worse than trying to get kids to school on time while searching for missing homework, shoes, or permission slips! A decluttered home will make everything easier to keep track of. (For more tips about getting kids out the door check out our blog 8 Tips for a Peaceful Morning).
Finally, as all parents know, the school year often brings an influx of new items, from homework to science and art projects to sports uniforms and equipment. Decluttering ensures you have the space to store these new items. Even when something is not clutter (meaning it’s loved and/or used) it can still act and feel like clutter if it doesn’t have a home within your home. Every item you buy and keep, needs a place to “live” in your home—a space of its own that it can easily be returned to when not in use.
Tips for Decluttering Before the School Year:
1. Clothes and Shoes
Go through your child’s wardrobe and decide what fits and what doesn’t. Donate or recycle items that are too small or no longer needed. This will give you a clear idea of what needs to be replaced or added, preventing overbuying. (While considering what to donate, I often make a pile of special items to pass onto friends who have younger kids—and I’m often the happy recipient of sweatshirts and ski clothes from a friend with a son just a few years older).
2. Declutter School Supplies
Gather all the school supplies from the previous year and see what’s still usable. Sort through pens, pencils, notebooks, and other supplies to determine what can be reused. Donate or recycle items that are still in good condition but aren’t needed.
3. Organize the Study Space
A clutter-free study area can make a big difference in your child’s ability to focus and stay organized during the school year. Clear out any unnecessary items from the desk or study area, and create designated spots for essential supplies.
4. Tackle the Mudroom or Entryway
The mudroom or entryway is often the first place where clutter accumulates. Clear out old shoes, sports gear, and other items that are no longer needed. This will make it easier to keep track of backpacks, school shoes, and other daily essentials.
5. Lunchbox Clear-out
Go through the lunch box containers and water bottles from the previous year and decide what to keep and what to discard or recycle. Check for items that need replacement and discard worn-out ones. If you can, invest in stainless steel lunch containers that last longer and are healthier (plastic may leech toxins, particularly if worn out). Here's what I use for my son (these have lasted for four school years so far): this Stainless Steel Sectioned Lunch Container, this Insulated Lunch Bag, this Insulated Stainless Steel Thermos, these Stainless Steel Snack Containers, and dip containers similar to these.*
6. Bookshelf Refresh
Make Space by organizing bookshelves and donating or storing books that are no longer age-appropriate. I've found that often my son's school wants the books we no longer need, so consider asking your teacher or school librarian if they accept donations. 
By taking the time to declutter first, you’ll ensure that getting back-to-school is a smoother and more enjoyable process, setting the stage for a great school year.

If you're a parent who would love some more support decluttering, check out our book Decluttering for Parents!

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